
Leafs is a concurrent tree editor plus a tree revision system.

It consists of 3 components:

  • a db server which holds versions of a tree (client- & admin-trees)
  • a admin interface for managing the server and versions of the tree
  • and a client editor to manipulate a tree and sync it with the server.


Leafs was started as a project we did for a couse at Technical Universtiy of Vienna in co-operation with the Green Club at the parlament.

The Green Club needed a tool to unify the process of writing protocols during negotiations and had the idea of a tree like organization of protocol-snippets. This idea and the fact that the clients that wrote the protocols dont have network access all the time led to the development of a client tree editor and a server which manages tree versions.


The leafs source code and all files of the distribution are provided under the terms of a bsd style license based on the template found here. you can find the license inside the distributed packages as license.txt or here.


  • to compile the clients you will need a java compiler for java 5.0
  • the binary of the clients will most likely run on any jre 1.4 and up
  • the server has to run a postgresql db (tested with version 8.0.3)
  • every client that runs an editor also needs a local postgresql db at the moment (might change to hsqldb)